104 Women of the Prehistoric Planet: This episode was originally the season finale, but The Comedy Channel, for whatever reason, decided to air it as episode four. The letters read at the end reference "Project Moonbase", "The Corpse Vanishes", and include the winner of the "name the avocado guy" contest from "Robot Holocaust". further evidence lies within the credits, where there are considerably more writers than in the earlier episodes.
There are women, there is a prehistoric planet, but the women are not OF the prehistoric planet! Thumbs down! Zero stars...... nah! I wouldn't do that to you guys. This is a really low budget sci-fi movie that ripps off of elements from Star Trek and has one of the dumbest twist endings in the history of MSTed movies. Oh, and it has some epically annoying comic relief.
Verdict:2/4-Bad! It's annoying and unoriginal.The theater segments are quite refreshing, after two weak episodes it's nice to see some decent riffing. The boys are very sharp and the larger staff of writers (including Mike) means that we'll get more quality riffs and we sure do! The theater segments start out smooth and funny and stay strong until a little while near the end, but it picks back up again.
Opener: Invention exchange- Clay and Lar's Flesh Barn and Joel's TP in a bottle.
Seg1: Joel brings a doomsday device aboard the SOL!
Seg2: The boys try to disarm the Isaac Asimov Literary Doomsday Device.
Seg3: The boys fail to disarm the device and it turns them into Isaac Asimov(s)!
End: Letters (see review intro)
Overall: I had a lot of fun with the host segments. There wasn't a rotten apple among them! I even got a kick out of the invention exchange!
Verdict: This was a pretty good episode, with strong riffing and some fun host segments.
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