Wednesday, October 3, 2012

K12 Fugitive Alien

K12 Fugitive Alien: It's a fact, the MST3k crew where/are a bunch of really good friends. It's incredibly obvious, especially in the KTMA days. Although, if you ask me most of the best examples are between Joel and Josh. These guys really know how to make each other laugh. When Trace is gone we get to see A LOT of this.

Oh, guess who dubbed and edited this movie. If you said anything other than Sandy Frank then what the heck are you doing here? This movie thinks that it's a noticed, thought provoking, space opera. It's wrong, but I'll damned if it doesn't want to pull it off. Again, we may just have Sandy Frank to thank for how silly this movie is. The silly dubbing and craptacular editing turn what could have been a cool little scifi flick into a confused and silly mess. However, unlike "Humanoid Woman" this movie is silly in a bit of a fun way.
Verdict: 3/4 Watchable! It's got goofy dubbing and crappy editing. It's worth a chuckle or two all by itself.

Trace is gone (yet again), so we're depending on just Joel and Josh to keep us giggling (this is a KTMA episode after all). Are they up to the task? Well duh. Admittedly , trace's presence is sorely missed, but Joel and Josh still have a ton of fun. I only laughed out loud a few times, but for me the actual riffing material didn't make the theater segments for me. I really got a kick just out of watching Joel and Josh interacting. There's no doubt about it, these guys where good friends. They make each other laugh constantly throughout, they join-in gags together, and they even share a few songs together (yes, they're not very good, but they are still having fun).

Intro: Larry talks to Dr, F, who's in Vegas. Joel sings the Fugitive Alien Theme.
Seg 1: Joel interrogates Tom about just where Crow is, until Gypsy pops in with Corw's head in her maw!
Seg2: Celebrities that are never seen together (the hell?)
Seg3: Joel and the bots have a dance off. Gypsy ends up winning.
End: Joel introduces the new fanclub!
Overall: Oh man, can you tell that these where all improved. Joel chokes a few lines (only to be saved by Josh) and the two manage to crack each other up. I loved the bit with Larry talking to an unheard Dr. F, and seg 3 was pretty cute.

Verdict: 3/6 Fine! I didn't laugh too many times and there where a couple of dead spots. But I really liked seeing Joel and Josh having fun. This episode is just like watching the two of them hang out and have fun just being a couple of buddies. Because of that I found myself really enjoying it. It's not hilarious, but I loved just seeing a couple of friends being friends.

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