Sunday, October 14, 2012

K18 The Million Eyes of Su-Maru

K18 The Million Eyes Of Su-Maru: One of the (thousand) things that I love about MST3K is how much character the bot's puppeteers put into them. I don't just mean verbally either, the bots physical expressions work very well on their own level. It took quite a while for Josh and Trace to really get things down and the KTMA bots where very clunky. But, eventually they started to catch on.

This movie just didn't settle well with me. Mabey it was the obnoxious womanizing hero. Mabey it was the fact that the only way that these women where able to be defeated without being shot was to be easily seduced. Mabey it was the line about the strong and independent female crime lord Su-Muru saying the line about needing "a man to force himself on her". I just can't quite put my finger on it....
Verdict: 2/4-Bad! Yeah, it's a sixties spy flick, but it's also incredibly sexist.

This started out as your run-of-the mill KTMA giggle fest but then Servo has to leave to bake brownies for the Pinewood Derby. With arguably the biggest laugh generator absent from the theater, the quality of the theater segments quickly drops.

Opener: The mads find Joel outside of the SOL. Joel finds a way back inside.
Seg1: Joel punishes the bots for not letting him back inside in K17.
Seg2: The boys play some strange courtroom and game-show thing.
Seg3: The boys play an acoustic version of the theme song.
End: Joel has to move Servo's mouth for him.
Overall: I found most of these segments to be rather forgettable. Well, except for seg 2. What the heck was that about!?

Verdict: 2/6-Meh! I got few giggles, but after Servo left it stared to tank.

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