Wednesday, March 13, 2013

206 Ring of Terror (& Phantom Creeps part 3)

206 Ring of Terror (& Phantom Creeps part 3)

Ring of Terror is a short little film and I guess that it's supposed to be a psychological horror flick, but in that regard it's a complete failure. Despite the short running time this film still manages to drag itself out! You didn't see very many psychological horror films from the period that this movie was made. It's a shame that it had to be so dull.
Verdict: 2/4-Bad! Dull and silly, but at least it's short!

This episode tends to be on everybody's list of favorites. I can see why. The riffing on the feature is absolutely hilarious! I was cracking up almost all the way though! However, by the third act the riffing starts to loose its bite a bit and the short only gave me a few minor chuckles. I would recommend this episode, but I doubt that it will pop up on my top 50.

OPENER: The bots prank Joel with the movie sign
INVENTIONS: The Mads' life version of "Operation", Joel plays pinball with his digestive system.
SEGMENT 1: The boys put on a little commercial about the school for old students.
SEGMENT 2: Joel gives a vacuum and autopsy and also gives a lecture.
SEGMENT 3: The boys have nothing good to say about the movie.
END: Frank sings "If Chauffeurs Ruled the World"
OVERALL: Some fantastic segments are in this one, but Frank's song easily takes the cake.

VERDICT: A very good episode that I would happily recommend. Although the somewhat disappointing riffing on the short keeps it from achieving true greatness.

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