Sunday, September 23, 2012

K06 Gamera vs Gaos

K06 Gamera vs Gaos: One of my favorite things about the KTMA era is that it feels like a bunch of friends just having a good time with a bad movie. It feels very genuine, less like a TV show and more like a visit with some very funny buddies. That's another reason why I really don't like it when a cast member is MIA They all bring something unique to the show and when one of them is gone the show feels very incomplete.

The third Gamera film is even sillier that the last (Gamera vs Barugan was the 2nd, with Gamera being the first)! The dubbing is still silly as ever, the fights are pretty fun (and bloody to boot), and the plot is goofy enough to make Kenny embarrassed. Speaking of the shorts-loving dweeb, we have a new Gamera loving kid, the chunky Itchy. I like Itchy much more than Kenny. Yeah, he's still annoying, but he's leagues more competent than any of the adults in this movie, which I found pretty funny.
Verdict: 3/4-Watchable! Silly and Violent, it can be fun, but it's still a bit annoying.

Josh is back in the theater and right off it's much better than last week's rather large Ack! Josh and Joel have fun with this very silly movie and it makes for some pretty good moments (I really liked Joel's reading of the credits in the beginning). But Trace's absence takes is still pretty noticeable. There where a lot of giggles to be had, but I never really laughed out loud. I can't help but to feel that, with crow in there, it could have been a bit of a harder hitter.

Opener: a message from a guy that's getting tired of Gamera calls in and Joel asks that no more scary guys with low IQs call in, they're scaring Gypsy.
Seg1: Joel switches Tom's voice, ending with a large amount of Josh's impressions, until he reaches the familiar mighty voice!
Seg2: has a caller that want's Crow to be back, and Gypsy eats Crow's tensile.
Seg3: we get an adorable call from a little boy that invites the crew to his birthday party. They can't come, but servo does give some pretty epic advice.
End: with an announcement about a special new year's MST3K episode.
Overall: The host segments are pretty enjoyable, but Gypsy's scream when the mad's picture is shown in the opener is quite possibly the most terrifying thing that I've ever heard. In seg one we said goodbye to Servo's Kermit voice and hello to his iconic baritone voice. This would not be the last time that Tom Servo's would change...

Verdict: 2/6-Meh! The host segments where okay, but the theater segments left something to be desired.

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