Thursday, November 22, 2012

Movies That I'm looking for

I love me some rare and cheesy movies (don't we all?), but there are some that I would REALLY like to find, but sadly they are a bit hard to find. Which is why I'm posting this here. If anybody has any of these movies and is willing to work out a deal or two email me at . I'm especually interested in original VHS reasles. 

Surf 2 the End of the Trilliogy

Ozone! Attack of the Reneck Zombie Mutants (1986)

The Weirdo (1989)

The House Where Death Lives

King-ka Kayasit, aka Magic Lizard

We're Going to Eat You (1980)

The Unseen (1980)

Gakidama:The Demon Within (1985)

The Sea Serpent (1984)

Jungle Heat aka Dance of the Dwarfs (1983)

The Monster Club (1980)

Daedly Love (1987)

Desperation Rising (1989)


Violent New Breed

The Devil Master (1976)

The Ripper (1985)
The Evicotors (1979)
Phantom Brother (1988)

Grunt (1983)

Day Of The Reaper (1984)

Lunchmeat (1986)

Midnight Intruders (1987)

Natas: The Reflection (1983)

Blood Beast of Monster Mountain(1976)

The Twlight People
I am also interested in any big box VHS and any other rare/improted VHS reasles.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

111 Moon Zero Two

111 Moon Zero Two

MOOOON ZEROTWOOO! Dig that funky awesome opening! I could watch that all day. Why wasn't
THAT the movie? Oh, and that theme song! If doesn't get you to sing along then nothing will!
You know I actually went back and re-watched it after I finished the experiment!
Verdict: 4/4-Fun! It's got a kickin' theme song and fun animation.

Wait..there was a MOVIE after that? Well I'll be darned!

The riffing is pretty sharp, but it dies down periodically. It eventually crawls back up. There where a few memorable lines here ant there, but overall I'd say that this episode has some rocky riffing.

Intro: Joel explains the show
Invention Exchange: Joel's food teleporter, The Mads' celebrity toothpaste dispenser.
Seg1: The boy's program pageant
Seg2: Future games
Seg3: The boys duke it out in zero gravity
End: Good things and bad things for ram chips. Letters are read.
Overall: The host segments are...actually kind of lame. But I did get a bit of a kick out the Mads' invention.

Verdict: There are some great moments, but overall this experiment is a little under average. 

110 Robot Holocaust

110 Robot Holocaust: Ok folks, here's the scoop on Commando Cody: All of the Cody shorts are charming, but I never really got enough laughs from them as other MSTies have. They're all a bit enjoyable, but not as much as I would have liked.

Now THIS movie is my cup of tea! Nothing' says lovin' like a poorly made direct to video sci-fi flick from the 80's. This is the kind of movie that I would pick up on VHS from the local mom-and- pop video store back in the day. It also reminds me of a movie that I would grab during a long afternoon on Ebay. It's cheap, it's dated, and I dig it.
Verdict: 4/4-Fun! It's not everybody's cup, but I just can't say no to 80's cheese.

This episode used to be a part of my regular rotation so, needless to say I'm rather fond of it. The riffing isn't legendary, but it get's the job done. It's like the MST version of easy listing. Sure It's not a howler, but there are some really awesome lines and it kept me chuckling the whole experiment.

Intro: The boys sing the blues.
Invention Exchange: Joel's Monster-truck pipe, The Mads' emoting ski-mask.
Seg1: Joel does some funny faces.
Seg2: The SOL, sitcom style...until Cambot's sitcom simulator breaks.
Seg3: The boys play Robot goes poorly.
End: Letters and the Name-the avocado guy contest is announced.
Overall: Sg 3 was a big ol' howler. Josh really shines as Servo, I'm just sayin'.

Verdict: A pleasant stream of decent riffing and some decent host segs make for a nice sit. It's not hilarious, but it's not bad, that's for sure. 

109 Project Moonbase

109 Project Moonbase

It's a trip to the moon, but uh-oh there's a terrorist on board. Oh me, oh my is this film unpleasantly sexist. It's also a bit bland. I find myself having a very hard time thinking of something else to say about this flick other than that.
Verdict: 1/4-Awful! Dull and pumped full of sexist idiots.

I had heard quite a lot of very good things about this episode, so, naturally I was pretty excited to see it for myself. After another relatively weak Cody short, the feature started up, and the first half was really strong and had me cracking up. Sadly, after the halfway point the riff quality started to drop considerably.

Intro: The Bots and the bath
Invention Exchange: Joel's water juggling, The Mads' insect-e-sketch
Seg1: Joel and the Bots play Commando Cody, with Tom as Cody and Crow as Krog.
Seg2: Neckties of the future
Seg3: SPACOM!!
End: Letters are read. Crow and Tom Servo are upside down.
Overall: Segs 2 and 3 had me in hysterics! SPACOM has to be one of the best moments of the season.

Overall:  There are some classic host segs and some nice riffs, but the riff quality drops a bit too much later on.

108 The Slime People

108 The Slime People

The slime people come out of the earth, encase a city/country side in a force field (the hell?), kill almost everybody, and cover the place in fog. Oh my god, the fog. This movie has so much fog that there are entire scenes where you can't see ANYTHING but the onslaught of fog. The fog-less scenes where ok though and I'm a sucker for apocalyptic settings, so I kind of dug that aspect.
Verdict: 1/4-Awful! Who want's to see a movie when half of it is covered in fog?

The first time that I saw this experiment I absolutely loved it! The second time around however, I found the riffing to be very hit-or-miss. There where some really great lines, but  they where rare among the hundreds of merely amusing riffs.

Intro: Crow is a morning bot.
Invention Exchange: Joel's cartoon goggles, The Mads' screaming cotton candy.
Seg1: Cody on trial.
Seg2: The boys consider how to improve movie
Seg3: Fog. Lots of it.
End: Joel makes a pie, but Gypsy eats it.
Overall: Not much to say about these host segs. They have a bit of the old Season 1 charm to  them, but none of them are too amazing. I did love the cartoon goggles though.

Verdict:  There are some good spots, but most of the episode is pretty forgettable. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

107 Robot Monster

107 Robot Monster

The Ro-man empire has destroyed all of humanity with it' Bubbles or no bubbles, the sinister Ro-man (just one) is sent to kill the eight *boom* I mean five people left on this earth. There's not much to say about this movie that hasn't already been said. It's silly, stupid, poorly acted, poorly made, and the Ro-man costume is as goofy as can be. And I loved it.
Verdict:4/4-Fun! As silly and strange as you can get....and it's awesome.

While not as hilarious as the last outing, the riffing here is still pretty solid. I had my fair share of chuckles, and a few howlers. Oddly enough, I actually had fun with the Commando Cody shorts. This was a pretty fair episode riff-wise I'd say.

Invention Exchange: Joel's cumber bubble bond and The Mads' flaming woopie cushion
Seg1: The Boy's discuss how Commando Cody flies
Seg2: Crow and Tom play Robot Monster
Seg3: Surrealism
End: The boys' Ro-Man presentation
Overall: The host segments are amusing enough, but the 3rd host segment was another KTMA remake.

Verdict:  This episode managed to keep a smile on my face and got a few good laughs out of me. An average episode overall.