Wednesday, November 21, 2012

111 Moon Zero Two

111 Moon Zero Two

MOOOON ZEROTWOOO! Dig that funky awesome opening! I could watch that all day. Why wasn't
THAT the movie? Oh, and that theme song! If doesn't get you to sing along then nothing will!
You know I actually went back and re-watched it after I finished the experiment!
Verdict: 4/4-Fun! It's got a kickin' theme song and fun animation.

Wait..there was a MOVIE after that? Well I'll be darned!

The riffing is pretty sharp, but it dies down periodically. It eventually crawls back up. There where a few memorable lines here ant there, but overall I'd say that this episode has some rocky riffing.

Intro: Joel explains the show
Invention Exchange: Joel's food teleporter, The Mads' celebrity toothpaste dispenser.
Seg1: The boy's program pageant
Seg2: Future games
Seg3: The boys duke it out in zero gravity
End: Good things and bad things for ram chips. Letters are read.
Overall: The host segments are...actually kind of lame. But I did get a bit of a kick out the Mads' invention.

Verdict: There are some great moments, but overall this experiment is a little under average. 

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